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Is Competition Killing Your Dreams? Why Your Story Matters More Than You Think

February 21, 20254 min read

Competition. The very word conjures images of rivals vying for the same prize, athletes pushing for gold, businesses battling for market share.

But what if I told you that the thing holding you back isn't actually "competition" at all?

The Real Meaning of Competition

Recently, I found myself diving into the etymology of "competition" (yes, I'm that word nerd who loves understanding the energy behind words!).

The Latin roots reveal that competition originally meant "action of seeking or endeavoring to gain what another is endeavoring to gain at the same time." In sports, this makes perfect sense – there's one gold medal, one champion, one winner.

But in business? In life? This mindset creates an artificial scarcity that simply doesn't exist.

My Late-Night Battle with the Competition Monster

Just this week, I found myself battling tech issues until 1 AM, trying to figure out automations and workflows for our Hey Girl You Can membership (words that honestly trigger me!).

And there it was – that voice:

"Tara, what do you think you're doing? Look at all these other successful people. They've built huge businesses. What makes you think you can do this?"

I know this voice. I've coached thousands of women who hear it too. It's the voice that makes us question our worthiness, our capabilities, our very purpose.

But here's what I've learned in 27 years of business: We're usually comparing our Day 1 to someone else's Day 10.

Business Competition is an Illusion

Early in my career, I attended a networking event where three of us represented the exact same direct sales company. Talk about competition, right?

But I noticed something fascinating: we attracted completely different people.

  • One woman was twenty years older and connected with an entirely different demographic

  • Another had a Midwestern, relaxed approach that attracted similar personalities

  • I was a fast-talking East Coast girl with my own unique vibe

The truth revealed itself: people weren't buying the product – they were buying the person. The story. The energy.

This is why major brands like Nike, Dove, and Google invest millions in storytelling. Nike didn't just sell shoes – they sold "Just Do It." They sold empowerment and possibility.

Nobody else has your story. This isn't just motivational fluff – it's business strategy. When you truly own your unique perspective, experience, and voice, "competition" becomes irrelevant.

The Personal Competition Trap

Competition doesn't just affect our businesses – it infects our personal lives. Social media has amplified this struggle tenfold.

We see:

  • Perfect homes (when our laundry is piled high)

  • Perfect children (when ours just failed a test)

  • Perfect vacations (do these people even have jobs?)

  • Perfect appearances (I recently confessed my "perfect" photos had AI help – my forehead has never looked better!)

The comparison trap is relentless. But remember this truth: Nobody posts when they're in the fire. They post when they're out of it.

You don't see the 1 AM tears, the self-doubt, the arguments, the failures. You see the highlight reel after the storm has passed.

When Self-Doubt is Actually a Good Sign

Here's a paradox I've discovered: If you never experience self-doubt or comparison, you might be playing too small.

When you step outside your comfort zone – when you enter what I call the "God zone" or the "miracle zone" – fear and uncertainty are natural companions. They're signposts that you're growing.

The greatest women I've coached – those with beautiful families, successful businesses, and seemingly perfect lives – all struggle with moments of "Can I do this?" It's part of the growth process.

Protecting Your Dreams from the Competition Trap

Your dreams, your goals, the visions that keep you up at night – they're not just for you. They're your gift to the world. And if you don't pursue them, they'll die with you.

This is why the competition mindset is so dangerous. It makes you shrink from your gifts, your strengths, your talents – the very things you were created to share.

So how do you protect yourself?

  1. Guard your mind: Be intentional about who and what you follow on social media. The unfollow button is powerful – use it.

  2. Remember your timeline: You're seeing others' Year 5 while you're in Week 2. Honor your journey.

  3. Focus on your story: What unique perspective do you bring? What life experiences shape your voice? That's your superpower.

  4. Find your community: Surround yourself with women who believe in you, who remind you that you CAN when that voice says you can't.

Your Invitation to Growth

We don't get a do-over in this life. This is it. Who you become depends largely on who you surround yourself with and the stories you tell yourself.

In our Hey Girl You Can community, we're women committed to growth, supporting each other to step past comparison and into our calling. Through weekly mentorship, resources, and community connection, we remind each other: Hey girl, you CAN.

Because the truth is – you can. But first, you need to stop looking left and right at the "competition," and start looking within at the unique gift only you can give.

What dream has comparison been holding you back from pursuing? Share in the comments below – our community is here to remind you that you CAN.

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Tara Geraghty

Tara has spent over 26+ years in leadership development leading a team of women across the nation. She holds a degree in theater, has a background in improvisation and is both Counseling Practitioner and REBT certified. She is the founder of Hey Girl, You Can a community of 45K+ women from around the world. Tara is a sought after Top 5 TEDx speaker, a TEDx Play Series Performer, the Author of Making Cancer Fun: A Parent's Guide (Amazon #1 New Release), and has been featured on MSNBC, GMA, 5280 & Reader’s Digest to name a few. She is a contributing author on Every Entrepreneur’s Guide to Running your Own Business, a contributor to Conquer Magazine: The Patient’s Voice, and can be heard on podcasts worldwide. Get your FREE 5 Days to Mental Strength Challenge at www.taragonline.com

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