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Do you ever feel like you’re standing on the edge of the life you dream of, but something keeps holding you back. You’ve set the goals, you’ve made the plans, and yet, it feels like you’re stuck on repeat. The truth is, no matter how much we want change, we can’t fully step into a new version of ourselves if our environment isn’t designed to support it.
Let’s talk about creating an environment that aligns with the life you want—one that creates joy, fuels productivity, and leads you toward your total transformation.
Imagine this: you’ve decided to prioritize your health, but every day after work, you’re heading to happy hour with friends. It’s not bad—it’s fun! But it’s not aligned with your goals. What if you swapped three happy hour days for gym days instead? Or, maybe you’re dreaming of a productive weekend, yet you find yourself out late every Friday and Saturday, losing precious time to pursue your passions.
It’s not about judgment. It’s about asking: “Is this environment serving the goals I’ve set for myself?”
Your environment should be your biggest cheerleader, not your biggest hurdle.
It’s not just your physical surroundings—it’s also the digital ones. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? If it’s grabbing your phone and scrolling social media, you might unknowingly be feeding an addiction that sets the tone for your entire day.
That early-morning dopamine hit can leave you chasing external validation rather than starting your day with intentionality. Instead, try waiting 15 minutes—just 15!—before reaching for your phone. Give yourself time to set the tone for your day before diving into everyone else’s lives.
And the news? Of course, staying informed is important, but constantly immersing yourself in the world's trauma can drain your mindset and leave little room for growth. Be mindful of what you’re consuming and how it impacts your mental energy.
Your physical space is a reflection of your inner world. Is your home cluttered with reminders of a past you’ve outgrown? Do you still have things that belong to an old version of yourself?
It might be time for a “Marie Kondo moment.” Look around and ask yourself: “Does this spark joy? Does this align with the new me I’m building?”
Sometimes, even small changes can make a huge impact. Rearrange your furniture, replace artwork, or declutter the spaces that feel stagnant. You don’t have to move across the country to feel a shift in energy. (Although, trust me, sometimes the biggest changes come from the scariest leaps—like when I moved from Colorado to New Jersey after a devastating season in my life. That fresh start was everything I didn’t know I needed.)
Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen by accident. Whether it’s creating a meal plan for the week instead of grabbing cafeteria food, setting out your workout clothes the night before, or carving out time for training sessions that support your business goals—small, intentional changes lead to big results.
I’ve seen this firsthand with women I work with. They say they want to grow their businesses, but they don’t show up for training or make time to implement what they learn. It’s not a lack of desire—it’s that their environment and lifestyle don’t support their goals.
Change your space, change your habits, and you’ll find yourself naturally showing up differently.
Here’s a powerful truth: your environment reflects your mindset, and when you change one, the other follows. As you declutter, rearrange, and redesign the spaces around you, you’re signaling to yourself—and the universe—that you’re ready to step into this new version of you.
Let your environment be a catalyst for your transformation. Fill it with reminders of your dreams, tools for your growth, and energy that lifts you up.
This is your moment to create the life you’ve been dreaming of. So, hey girl—you can.
Hey Girl You Can Do This! Take 10 minutes today to assess your environment. Is there one small change you can make—physical or digital—that better aligns with the life you want?
Share your ideas in the comments or post a picture and tag us on social media with @heygirlyoucan and #heygirlyoucan
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